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mardi 6 décembre 2011

Hotels of the future

Just found this video on the hotel of the future...

Basically what is being said is that from the moment you start looking at a hotel until the moment you leave, their will always be somebody from the staff helping you. Using a mix a new technologies and pure personal service, hoteliers intend to offer the best experience to a client. This experience is ensured by offering to the guest the right service even before he or she could even think about it. On the paper that looks great but will it be really that awesome.

Relying too much on technologies can be harmful... After all, electronics do not always work perfectly and if one device is broken, the entire chain of service is down! New technology is also costly... Equip a hotel with all these devices and hire the people to make sure that they work represent a huge extra cost. And finally wouldn't it be annoying to already have someone on your back? It's like going to a store to buy a jean and having somebody behind your back saying "oh look I see that you like blue polos, well guess what we have a weekly discount on polos right here!..."

And you, what do you think about it ?  

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